Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles - The Coin-Op
December 91 - January 93

ALL | C64 | CPC |
4 | 3 | 16 |
Dec 91 | Dec 91 | Feb 92 |
(click here for more information on the data shown below)
All Formats (Gallup) |
6 | | WEEK to 91-12-21 | ukiepedia |
All Formats (Full Price) (Gallup) |
4 | | WEEK to c.91-12-14 | CVG #123 p81 Feb 92 92-01-15 |
| | | Games-X #35 p8 91-12-19 |
4 | | WEEK to c.91-12-28 | Games-X #36 p5 92-01-02 |
6 | | WEEK to c.92-01-04 | Games-X #37 p5 92-01-09 |
12 | | WEEK to c.92-01-11 | ( CVG #124 p73 Mar 92 92-02-15 ) |
| | | Games-X #38 p5 92-01-16 |
10 | | WEEK to 92-01-11 | ( CTW #371 p17 92-01-27 ) |
10 | | WEEK to c.92-01-18 | CVG #124 p73 Mar 92 92-02-15 |
| | | Games-X #39 p37 92-01-23 |
16 | | WEEK to 92-01-18 | CTW #371 p17 92-01-27 |
16 | | WEEK to c.92-01-25 | Games-X #40 p8 92-01-30 |
All Formats (8-Bit Full Price) (Gallup) |
7 | | WEEK to 92-01-04 | CTW #369 p21 92-01-13 |
7 | | WEEK to 92-01-18 | ( CTW #372 p19 92-02-03 ) |
12 | | WEEK to 92-01-25 | CTW #372 p19 92-02-03 |
5 | | WEEK to c.92-12-26 | ( CTW #369 p21 92-01-13 ) |
Amstrad (Gallup) |
16 | | 4 WEEKS to c.92-02-01 | AmCU #89 p29 Apr 92 92-03-04 |
Commodore 64 (Full Price) (Gallup) |
3 | | MONTH to c.91-12-05 | CFmat #17 p9 Feb 92 92-01-16 |