Soccer Rivals
October 91 - June 92

ZX | C64 | CPC |
4 | 87 | 19 |
Oct 91 | May 92 | Dec 91 |
(click here for more information on the data shown below)
Amstrad (Gallup) |
19 | | 4 WEEKS to c.91-12-07 | AmCU #87 p29 Feb 92 92-01-01 |
Commodore 64 (Gallup) |
87 | | MONTH to c.92-05-07 | CFmat #22 p13 Jul 92 92-06-18 |
Spectrum (Budget Price) (Gallup) |
4 | | MONTH to c.91-10-26 | SU #119 p16 Jan 92 91-12-18 |