Return of the Jedi


NOV 88 - FEB 89

Nov 88Nov 88Jan 89

Chart history:

All Formats (8-Bit Full Price) / Gallup
8WEEK to c.88-11-12New Computer Express #3 p3 88-11-26
3WEEK to c.88-11-19New Computer Express #4 p3 88-12-03
16WEEK to 88-11-26( New Computer Express #6 p1 88-12-17 )
7WEEK to 88-12-03New Computer Express #6 p1 88-12-17
14WEEK to 88-12-10New Computer Express #7 and 8 p1 88-12-22
12WEEK to 88-12-17New Computer Express #9 p1 89-01-07
17WEEK to 88-12-24New Computer Express #10 p2 89-01-14
10WEEK to 89-01-14New Computer Express #11 p1 89-01-21
17WEEK to 89-01-21New Computer Express #12 p3 89-01-28
17WEEK to 89-02-04New Computer Express #14 p4 89-02-11
20WEEK to 89-02-11New Computer Express #15 p3 89-02-18
Commodore 64 / Gallup
20MONTH to c.89-01-28Commodore User #66 p15 Mar 89 89-02-26
Spectrum (Full Price) / Gallup
4MONTH to c.88-11-12Your Sinclair #38 p6 Feb 89 89-01-10
13MONTH to c.88-11-26Sinclair User #83 p42 Feb 89 89-01-18
8MONTH to c.88-12-17Your Sinclair #40 p8 Apr 89 89-03-16
12MONTH to c.88-12-24Sinclair User #84 p26 Mar 89 89-02-18
14MONTH to c.89-01-28Sinclair User #85 p42 Apr 89 89-03-18