Fun School 2 (All Ages Combined)


FEB 89 - AUG 91

Apr 89May 89Apr 89

Chart history:

All Formats / Gallup
18MONTH to c.89-05-15Computer & Video Games #92 p58 Jul 89 89-06-16
All Formats (8-Bit Full Price) / Gallup
13WEEK to 89-02-11New Computer Express #15 p3 89-02-18
10WEEK to 89-02-25New Computer Express #17 p3 89-03-04
13WEEK to 89-03-04New Computer Express #18 p3 89-03-11
7WEEK to 89-03-18New Computer Express #20 p3 89-03-25
14WEEK to 89-03-25Computer Trade Weekly 89-04-01
New Computer Express #21 p3 89-04-01
17WEEK to 89-04-01New Computer Express #22 p3 89-04-08
8WEEK to 89-04-08New Computer Express #23 p3 89-04-15
12WEEK to 89-04-15New Computer Express #24 p3 89-04-22
3WEEK to 89-04-22New Computer Express #25 p3 89-04-29
11WEEK to 89-05-13New Computer Express #28 p3 89-05-20
7WEEK to 89-05-20New Computer Express #29 p3 89-05-27
14WEEK to 89-06-03New Computer Express #31 p3 89-06-10
11WEEK to 89-06-24New Computer Express #34 p3 89-07-01
Amstrad / Gallup
54 WEEKS to c.89-04-01Amstrad Computer User #55 p29 Jun 89
184 WEEKS to c.89-05-06Amstrad Computer User #56 p33 Jul 89
94 WEEKS to c.89-06-03Amstrad Computer User #57 p33 Aug 89
Amstrad (Full Price) / Gallup
7WEEK to c.91-05-18Games-X #5 p33 91-05-24
Spectrum (Full Price) / Gallup
10MONTH to c.89-02-25Your Sinclair #42 p6 Jun 89 89-05-16
12MONTH to c.89-03-04Sinclair User #86 p42 May 89 89-04-18
11MONTH to c.89-03-25Sinclair User #87 p34 Jun 89 89-05-18
13MONTH to c.89-04-29Sinclair User #88 p43 Jul 89 89-06-18
5MONTH to c.89-05-20Your Sinclair #44 p6 Aug 89 89-07-17
7WEEK to c.91-08-10Games-X #17 p32 91-08-15